Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ESEUTIL - Maintenance and Recovery

ESEUTIL can provide a number of database functions including defrags and repairs.  I will be quickly covering a few of the more important tasks/scenarios.

ESEUTIL is in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin" by default, and the rest of the commands I show run from this directory.

Offline defrags, under normal circumstances, do not need to be run.  This is because online maintenance typically does a good job of keeping things in order.  It may not get everything cleaned up, but what little bit it doesn't typically gets grown into anyways.  The need comes in when a chunk of users gets deleted, or if you have to add a very large quantity of users.


Determine White Space

   a. eseutil /ms  c:\exchange\data\sg1\mb1.edb 

**Must be run on an database that is not mounted**

b. Check event 1221 in the event log.

Once you determine that you have enough white space to warrant an offline defrag..

Run the Defrag

eseutil.exe /d c:\EXCHSRVR\mdbdata\SG1MS1.edb 



  a. Check current state: 

 eseutil.exe /mh C:\exchange\data\SG1\MB1.edb 
Notice how the database is in a Dirty Shutdown state?

b. Typically to recover from this, we need only run a variation of the following command:
  eseutil /r E00 /d "C:\Exchange\Data\SG1\MB1.edb" /l "c:\exchange\logs\sg1" 

As shown below, this did the trick.

 c.  If this didn't work, we may have need to fall back on a full repair.  This is typically only used if log files are missing, the database is corrupt, or some other catastrophic event has occurred.  It is executed by instead using the /P switch, and basically it tosses any pages that it does not perceive as fixable.  According to Microsoft, you should follow this up with an isinteg.exe run, but I've been told by enough people that it is bad mojo to keep me shying away from it unless I have to.

Other ESEUTIL functions are more informational such as /G /M and /K.

You can reference the official Microsoft site for eseutil here.

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